Working as an independent contractor is a perfect way to make money while getting more flexibility in your schedule. Following the downturn in the United States, many companies have discovered that recruiting skilled workers is a much better business model than hiring full-time employees. In recent years, an increasing number of people have abandoned the corporate world in favor of freelancing in order to achieve a much better work-life balance. To get your piece of pie, check how my freelance paycheck can help you.
Indeed, according to a Harvard report published in 2016, the number of freelance employees in North America rose from around 14 million to nearly 24 million between 2005 and 2015. With technological advances and a rapidly expanding freelance work market, it is now easier than ever to get a piece of the action.
Freelance writing: Legit or not?
Some people are worried about being ripped off for their time or being scammed by a dishonest organization when it comes to freelance writing. Furthermore, you don’t need any prior knowledge of terminology to land your first mission. Many businesses, on the other hand, are definitely looking for someone who can write in a comfortable, conversational tone in order to communicate with readers.
As you’ll see, many of these online writing ventures deliberately avoid terms and phrases that might seem stiff or formal to their target market. So you won’t have to think about writing like a professor when you first launch your freelance career. The best thing is that there is Still work to be done, because even though you don’t punch a clock at the bank, you’ll have a steady cash flow.
Check out these 7 Tips below becoming an amazing freelance writer if you’re ready to take on this exciting new venture.
1: Have a system in place
This is the most important aspect of seeking consistent freelance jobs. You’ll have no trouble attracting and retaining clients once you’ve done your due diligence. Even better, you’ll be able to work around a platform that is customized to your unique needs. As I previously said, earning money from online writing is simple due to the high demand for this form of job. Any industry might have an online presence, which means they’ll need someone to provide them with content to extend their market reach.
They most certainly have a blog, a social media profile, and an email campaign, all of which must be updated on a regular basis. Some might even hire freelancers to assist them with the development of brochures and other marketing materials. The reality is that all you need is a step-by-step method for finding potential clients, pitching them, and writing the content they want. The rest will take care of itself after that.
In a moment, I’ll show you how to do that, but first, let’s move on to the next level…

2: Play to your strengths
Some freelance writers excel at large-scale projects, such as a sales report or a PDF book. Others prefer a working environment in which they can easily churn out short articles or free reports.
Larger gigs certainly pay better, but they also take a lot of lead time, which can vary from a few weeks to a few months. Short articleson the other hand, will take anything from half an hour to two hours, but you’ll be paying sooner.
I typically recommend beginning with smaller tasks to get a feel for how things work. However, in the long run, try to find out which alternative works best so you can narrow down the market for which you want to publish.
Discover this simple method to make easy money in your spare time with my freelance paycheck.
3: Know thyself
Many freelance writers miss this crucial move. I strongly advise against skipping this one. Before joining this line of work, I’ve found that a little self-evaluation and soul-searching is important. This will help you find out what types of clients you’re ideally suited for and what types of content you’ll be good at writing.
A good way to do this is to have a seasoned writer review your sample job and provide you with an objective evaluation. They’ll be able to tell you what you’re good at and where you can enhance your craft.
Additionally, look up examples of good writing in your chosen niche. It’s as simple as visiting a potential customer’s website and skimming through their posts. This will give you a better understanding of what they are looking for in a writer.
Keep in mind that information is strength, so you’ll be able to improve your game by doing so.

4: Hammer out the details
Now that you’ve completed some of the preliminary work, it’s time to get down to business. As you’ve heard, your clients will demand a specific form of content from you.
I listed a few earlier, but here are some other types of content you might write:
- Annual sales reports
- Alter the presentations (like PowerPoint or Keynote)
- Free reports (usually in PDF format and less than a hundred pages to promote a certain product)
- Ebooks with full chapters
- E-mail newsletters (frequently sent through email)
- Sales copy (which may include a detailed product description, its benefits, testimonials, pricing, etc.)
- Blog posts (anywhere between 500-1500 words)
- Articles (could be 500-3000 words depending on the Use of the content)
Aside from that, it’s a good idea to study the industry about which you want to publish. As I previously said, sites like Upwork are excellent resources for finding positions in specific categories. This will help you find out which companies in your preferred industry are looking for writers and what kind of content they need.
Get this FREE Report: How much can you make as a freelancer with my freelance paycheck ?
5: Find the right price

Of course, the aim is to maintain a healthy income stream, so you must handle the situation correctly. Basically, you’ll want to work for lower-paying jobs at first before you’re able to expand your sport, then gradually raise your fees.
You’ll probably charge the first two or three customers a little less than you’d like, but you’ll be able to justify it by claiming experience and getting the job done.
In the long run, it’s much easier to keep your cool and act professionally. As you progress, you’ll gain a better understanding of the standard rate in your chosen niche. You’ll hear, in particular, how much other writers in your field charge on average. You can determine whether you should charge more or less based on how long you’ve been playing.
You’ll have more power to charge more for your writing services as your client portfolio expands and you gain referrals.
6: Establish a routine
Regardless of whether you’re a freelancer or not, it’s important to cultivate a positive work ethic. Find a pace that you are happy with and stick to it. Plan ahead of time how you’d like to approach a writing assignment. You might want to do some research first before getting started, or you might prefer to start writing and fill in the gaps later. Whatever system you use, you’ll need to build the discipline to work efficiently on writing assignments and submit them on time.
Cal Newport, author of “Deep Work,” has a lot to say about this, which I’ll summarize here:
“The key to cultivating a deep work habit is to go beyond good intentions and incorporate habits and routines into your life that reduce the total amount of small willpower required to transform into and sustain an unbroken state of focus.”

7: Educate yourself
You’re well conscious, when you’re reading this, that you can’t do it alone.
It never hurts to learn as much as you can, no matter how talented or pushed you are when it comes to writing. This is true for both newcomers and seasoned veterans. So, if you’re just getting started on this trip, I don’t suggest going the self-taught path.
It’s much easier to take advantage of as many resources as possible so you can get up and running quickly and avoid the usual “rookie mistakes” that many rookies make. Yeah, it’s conceivable.
Earn five to six digits a MONTH from freelance writing?
Yes, it’s possible. You will go from one-off assignments to big-time gigs in the neighborhood of a few thousand dollars. That’s how pro writer freelancers do it, and my freelance paycheck will show you how to do it too.
As I said at the outset, all you need is a system to assist you in finding clients on a regular basis. Following that, you’ll be rolling in the dough you’ve worked so hard for. Still, thanks to my freelance paycheck, you will be able to able to permanently cut the umbilical cord and leave the 9-to-5 world.
My freelance paycheck took over a year to perfect, but now lot of writers are making six figures on autopilot.
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